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Sabtu, 28 April 2012

In Japan, robots are already common fixtures, and the latest prototypes come ever closer to the line of separating man from machine. This week, during her first visit to Hong Kong, female android Geminoid F chatted, sang and smiled while an awestruck crowd snapped photos. Her creator, Japanese robotics guru Hiroshi Ishiguro, programmed her built-in computer with 65 behaviors, making her one of the world's most intelligent robots. The robotic twin can smile, frown and furrow her eyebrows. But most impressively, she can sit still and look creepily confused and lifeless.

Wow, Wanita Cantik ini Ternyata Robot Whooila! unik dan aneh
Reviewer: Administrator Whooila - ItemReviewed: Wow, Wanita Cantik ini Ternyata Robot
Rating: 5

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